Internship Candidates

The below applies to you if you are:

  • a Polytechnique student, looking to do a PSC, a 3A project, or a 3A “stage de recherche”, an M1 “digital innovation” or cybersecurity” internship, or a 4A/M2 “stage de fin d’études” with me, or in my research group;
  • a student from any other institution looking to do an internship with me, or in my research group.

First, please first familiarise yourself with my research interests (for example, by looking at my publications). As part of the discussions, and if we decide to work together, a project will be constructed, within a topic matching your (and my) interests, and respecting the pedagogical constraints and requirements for the specific project type.

Next, if you are a student from outside Ecole Polytechnique, please consult the Ecole Polytechnique Internship Program, for currently open topics, for financial aspects, and for admissions procedures, etc. — notably, note that there are deadlines for applying for internships.

Finally please create a ticket below, and submit your request, providing as much information as possible. Inquiries or applications by email are not accepted.

Email *Your Email by which we will get back to you.

Subject *Your request Subject for which you are going to raise the ticket.

Indicative deadline
If you have a deadline for this request, please indicate it here. While I cannot guarantee a reply before, I'll do my best to address your request in a timely fashion.

Category *Executive Education (SSI, CISSA, MSc Cyber) Inquiries
X-MScT (IoT,Cyber) inquiries
Grade inquiries / appeals
Recommendation letter request
Press Inquiries
EuroTeQ Grade Request
Course Changes
Career Counselling
Internship Request
PhD defence

You are? *A faculty colleague from outside IP-Paris
A current Bachelors student at Ecole Polytechnique
A current M.Sc.T student at Ecole Polytechnique
A current Engineering student at Ecole Polytechnique
A current PhD student at IP-Paris
A current student at Ecole Polytechnique Executive Education
A current student from elsewhere
A candidate for an Executive Education programme (MSc Cyber, SSI, CISSA, ...)
A candidate for an M.Sc.T programme
A candidate for a PhD
A former student at Ecole Polytechnique
A former student at Executive Education
A journalist
A representative from the public administration, politician, etc
A superhero, who has misplaced their cape
Something else (specify in the description)
A current colleague from Ecole Polytechnique or IP-Paris
A Current EuroTeQ student
Please select the option that best describes you

Description *Please enter the details of your request.

Please upload any documents that you believe would be helpful.

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