Towards IPv4 and IPv6 Parity?

I know that it’s 2016, and I really shouldn’t be surprised any more, but it always makes me smile when I log in to do maintenance on a WordPress site, and see parity between IPv6 and IPv4 visitors:

IPv6 Visitors
IPv6 Visitors

The graph is from, where (roughly) 20% of all visits are over IPv6 — this site ( sees, on average, 45% of its traffic come in over IPv6.

Changing from IPv4 to IPv6 on a production network is a little like “changing jet engines on an airplane mid-flight” – but, at Ecole Polytechnique, Loic Pasquiet and Philippe Wlodyka (& their teams) have been working tirelessly on rolling out IPv6: first on the experimental network spanning my office, and lately, it’s being gradually rolled out over the student-facing WiFi network.

Parity just around the corner? And IPv4 extinction just after than?

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