Getting Hands Dirty with TCP: Exercises on Bufferbloat, CODEL …
Tomorrow is a very special day: in the spring semester, I’ll be helping my colleague, Mark Townsley, with his graduate level course at Ecole Polytechnique entitled “From Fundamentals to Reality: How The Internet Really Work — and, how to make…
Last Wednesday was the day of the “first half” of the exam in INF566 — a rather non-traditional class that I teach with Mark Townsley (and, with expert assistance of Jean-Louis Rougier from Telecom-ParisTech) and where the goal is to…
In the course INF566 “Internet Protocol Success” at Ecole Polytechnique, and as part as the curriculum in Advanced Communication Networks, I, my colleague Mark Townsley, and again with expert assistance from Jean-Louis Rougier, are teaching “enterprise-grade Internet Routing”. Starting with an understanding of…
Just a final heads up that it is last chance to register for the January 25, 2017 master class by Rob Shakir at Ecole Polytechnique.
Next Wednesday (January 25) at 14h, Rob Shakir from Google will stop by Ecole Polytechnique to give a master class on some of the latest and greatest advances in (enterprise-grade) Networking. Robs career has taken him through national network operators,…
Jean-Louis Rougier, otherwise from Telecom-ParisTech, walking Polytechnique and Master-ACN (M1) students through MPLS details and demonstrating how to conducting a rigorous RFC5218 analysis.