In order to remain available for students, regardless of the current CoVid-19 situation at Ecole Polytechnique, I will be maintaining regular, virtual, office hours, by way of WebEx.
I will try to make myself available, on weekdays at the following slots (Paris-time):
- Morning: 10h-11h
- Afternoon: 16h-17h
You can join my personal virtual room here:
Please note the following:
- When joining my personal virtual room, I will get a notification that you are waiting in a “virtual lobby”.
- When I am available (I may be with another student, for example), I will let you in. Please pay attention on your end – if you’re not ready, I may move on to the next student waiting.
- Reservation is neither necessary, nor is it possible to reserve a slot.
- I will try to be flexible, but often the end of “office hours” means that I will be joining another meeting, and thus may not get to you. I apologise, and invite you to try again tomorrow.
- In order to not take time with technical issues during the office hours, do make sure that your audio/video works – you can test here:
If you want to reach me outside of office hours, then as email has generally reached a level of uselessness:
- For anything that can be done off-line (without real-time interaction) please raise a ticket here:
- For anything where real-time interaction is beneficial, please reach me on WebEx-Teams on the address