Ecole Polytechnique is, with our colleagues from Telecom-ParisTech, offering the international, English-language, Research-Masters program in “Advanced Communication Networks” – among friends, simply called “ACN”.
The ACN program aims high: to train future technology visionaries, engineers and leaders – in other words, to develop active players in the field of networking technology innovation and research
An ACN graduate is ready and capable – is the best prepared professional for, through acquired high-level scientific skills and sustained research, pushing the boundaries of communications technology, of computer networking, and of the digitized society.
And, admissions to ACN program are currently open. Look here for admissions details, and for the link to where to submit your application.
The ACN program is, by design, both selective and boutique:
- Selective, because we admit only the most promising candidates, allowing us an attractive faculty-to-student ratio. This allows us to also be…
- Boutique, catering to each students’ profile, constructing an individual program, and accompanying her/him from admission and until a Masters degree has been obtained, and the student is ready to commence a PhD.
Why yes – many of our graduates continue onwards to do a PhD, and many do so in collaboration with the research laboratories of our industrial partners, including Cisco Paris Innovation and Research Laboratory (Cisco PIRL), Nokia Bell-Labs, Thales, etc.
This, too, is by design: we believe that innovation is founded in high-level research, and research is an integral part through the ACN program: through a 5 month full-time research project in the first year of the program, and through a continuous scientific project during the second year, ACN students build a solid scientific culture, and publication track record.
Want to be part of pushing the boundaries, and of inventing the future? Sign up for the ACN Masters Program now!