The 2016 Cisco-Polytechnique Networking Innovation & Research symposium was a tremendous success. Lots of photos and media was recorded, and will be put up shortly – but, for now, click “read more” for a teaser.
Thanks to all speakers, chairs, logistical support – especially to Carole Raynaud and Evelyne Rayssac.
Evelyne Rayssac (Ecole Polytechnique) and Carole Raynaud (Cisco France)Dave Ward (Cisco) opening the symposiumAlain Fiocco (Cisco France) presenting the Paris Innovarion and Research Laboratory (#PIRL)Thomas Clausen (left, Ecole Polytechnique) and Mark Townsley (Cisco and Ecole Polytechnique)Mark Townsley (Cisco) presenting the research at Cisco Paris Innovarion and Research Laboratory (#PIRL)Thomas Clausen (Ecole Polytechnique) introducing the Cisco academic chaire at Ecole PolytechniqueBenjamin Paterson (X08), Aloÿs Augustin (X12), Hugo Kaczmarek (X08), Pierre Pfister (X09) and Benoit de Laitre (X11) – all from Polytechnique, and all having done a research internship at Cisco Paris Innovation and Research Laboratory, where Pierre Pfister is now a research engineer.Ralph Droms (Cisco) introducing and chairing the ICN-from-IoT session.Giovanna Carofiglio (Cisco Systems) center, Dario Rossi (Telecom-ParisTech) back left, and others, in attendance.
Benjamin Paterson (left) and Hugo Kaczmarek (right) – both Ecole Polytechnique graduates (X08) and both from the first crop of Polytechnique interns at Cisco France.