Change Course

If you want to change course within a programme that I am in charge of, please open a ticket below. To ensure that I will be able to address your request, please provide the following information (absent which, the reply will be a summary “no”):

  • The exact programme you’re registered to
  • The complete set of courses that you’re signed up for, before the change.
  • The complete set of courses, that you’ll be having, after the change.

In other word, a request of the form “I’d like to replace INF559 with PHY586, is that OK for you?” is going to be answered by a summary-no since I won’t have enough context to understand if your resulting program is coherent.

Email *Your Email by which we will get back to you.

Subject *Your request Subject for which you are going to raise the ticket.

Indicative deadline
If you have a deadline for this request, please indicate it here. While I cannot guarantee a reply before, I'll do my best to address your request in a timely fashion.

Category *Executive Education (SSI, CISSA, MSc Cyber) Inquiries
X-MScT (IoT,Cyber) inquiries
Grade inquiries / appeals
Recommendation letter request
Press Inquiries
EuroTeQ Grade Request
Course Changes
Career Counselling
Internship Request
PhD defence

You are? *A faculty colleague from outside IP-Paris
A current Bachelors student at Ecole Polytechnique
A current M.Sc.T student at Ecole Polytechnique
A current Engineering student at Ecole Polytechnique
A current PhD student at IP-Paris
A current student at Ecole Polytechnique Executive Education
A current student from elsewhere
A candidate for an Executive Education programme (MSc Cyber, SSI, CISSA, ...)
A candidate for an M.Sc.T programme
A candidate for a PhD
A former student at Ecole Polytechnique
A former student at Executive Education
A journalist
A representative from the public administration, politician, etc
A superhero, who has misplaced their cape
Something else (specify in the description)
A current colleague from Ecole Polytechnique or IP-Paris
A Current EuroTeQ student
Please select the option that best describes you

Description *Please enter the details of your request.

Please upload any documents that you believe would be helpful.

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